The VC Go To Market Who's Who

80+ of the top GTM, growth, sales and business development leaders across the venture capital industry

In my recent newsletter, I explored how VC Platform teams can provide Go-To-Market (GTM) support to their portfolio companies.

GTM support is arguably the most direct way a VC platform team can boost portfolio companies' revenue, thereby enhancing the fund's return on investment. The nature of this support varies significantly depending on the industry, company stage, and fund resources. However, all funds offering this type of value share one common factor: GTM superstars leading their initiatives and moving the needle for their companies.

While developing this post, I tapped into the insights and strategies of many GTM leaders at funds. I also asked my network to highlight the best leaders in their sphere. To recognize these unsung heroes, I'm thrilled to present a special bonus edition: a curated list of 80+ VC GTM Superstars.

These exceptional professionals are uniquely positioning their firms for success through innovative approaches to GTM, sales, growth, and business development support. This list not only gives credit where it's due but also aims to foster a vibrant GTM community, as each of these leaders has valuable insights to share.

While comprehensive, this list is not exhaustive. If you know of a VC Platform GTM superstar we've missed, please reach out.

Let's continue to shine a light on these unsung heroes of the VC world. 🦸

The VC Go To Market Who's Who

VC Go To Market Who’s Who List Download

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This post is brought to you with the help of Yaffa Abadi of Abadi Brands, a premier personal branding firm for leading executives and VCs.


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